Gabby & Izzy

These precious little sisters, get to start life out together hand in hand! It was such a fun and wonderful opportunity to capture this sweet relationship. You could feel of their tenderness. These babies came straight from heaven! I learned a lot at this photo shoot. One being, you need lots of hands when working with babies! It was nice to have both grandmas there to warm them up, switch out bows and to comfort when it was getting rough. I also had an interesting experience with lighting. Because they were young, we decided to stay indoors. Which is great, there’s always window lighting (which is beautiful!) Well Rexburg did not fail us, and it was a cloudy day. There was still just enough light, with the right angels and what not. I was really grateful for Camera Raw and the exposure setting, as I tried making the pictures look perfect. Here are just a few of my favorite! Feel free to leave comments, tips, etc.

Pretty in Pink Lips Side by Side Sisters Daddy's Hands

One thought on “Gabby & Izzy

  1. SO Precious! They’ll love these forever! What perfect little babies and you captured every squeezable bit of them! great job Sam!

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